ИНН 5260345493, КПП 526001001, ОГРН 1125260017453
р/сч 40702810529090000984 в филиале «Нижегородский»
АО «Альфа-Банк» БИК 042202824 к/сч 30101810200000000824
603000, г. Н. Новгород,
ул. Студеная, д 55,
этаж 1, комната 3
т: 8 (831) 211-75-17, 8 (831) 211-75-18
e: info@alfazhat.ru
Scheduler enhancer UD-ZMA
Drawing No. | none

Scheduler enhancer UD-ZMA

Volume increase UD-ZMA is used in party-line communication site; access to scheduler foot lever is possible. Product size 200×235×80 mm.

Make request

  • hands-free talking through Kelvin connection to selective communication

  • signal measurement transmitted over a communication channel

  • fine adjustment of loudness of intaken voice signal

  • access to scheduler foot lever is possible

response level of receive path, dB 30
bandpass flatnessof receive and  transmit path, peak, dB 1,5
undistorted power output grade of speaker assembly,  min dB 6
automatic gain control peak value, min, db 20
minimal entrance friction and open-circuit impedance, кОm 20
signal output nominal level, dB 5
useful current, peak, mА 200
weight, kg 2,2
size, max, mm 200×235×80


UD-ZMA is used as volume increase of intercom telephony terminus.

Application domain: selective network.

Analogy: UD-ZM.

Distinctive features:

  • advanced response level of receive path

  • in-line level compensator

  • small-sized

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