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т: 8 (831) 211-75-17, 8 (831) 211-75-18
e: info@alfazhat.ru
Voice alert system working capacity monitor unit BKR-RI
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Voice alert system working capacity monitor unit BKR-RI

Voice alert system working capacity monitor unit BKR-RI used for emergency situation voice messages transmission to the Integrated monitoring and administration system.

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Characteristics Signification
size 220х160х60 mm
electric power supply network  220 V, 50 Hz
weight, min 1,2 kg

Voice alert system working capacity monitor unit BKR-RI is used for emergency situation voice messages transmission to the Integrated monitoring and administration system.

BKR-RI duties:

  • outcoming signal proving

  • incoming signal proving

  • messages control which are sent to fixed radio station speaker assembly

  • voice alert system supply voltage  availability control 220 V

  • emergency situation voice messages transmission to the Integrated monitoring and administration system:

  • voice alert  system disability

  • voice alert  system disability according to outcoming signal

  • power supply absence (220 V)

  • guide line bond breaking

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