ИНН 5260345493, КПП 526001001, ОГРН 1125260017453
р/сч 40702810529090000984 в филиале «Нижегородский»
АО «Альфа-Банк» БИК 042202824 к/сч 30101810200000000824
603000, г. Н. Новгород,
ул. Студеная, д 55,
этаж 1, комната 3
т: 8 (831) 223-98-94, 8 (831) 223-98-95
e: info@alfazhat.ru
Switch fastener 17558-00-00 with VZ-7 TS 32 TsSh 2043-98 R65 1/18 for high-speed roads with an external contactor
Switch fastener 17558-00-00 with VZ-7 TS 32 TsSh 2043-98 R65 1/18 for high-speed roads with an external contactor
Switch fastener 17558-00-00 with VZ-7 TS 32 TsSh 2043-98 R65 1/18 for high-speed roads with an external contactor
Switch fastener 17558-00-00 with VZ-7 TS 32 TsSh 2043-98 R65 1/18 for high-speed roads with an external contactor
Switch fastener 17558-00-00 with VZ-7 TS 32 TsSh 2043-98 R65 1/18 for high-speed roads with an external contactor
Switch fastener 17558-00-00 with VZ-7 TS 32 TsSh 2043-98 R65 1/18 for high-speed roads with an external contactor
Switch fastener 17558-00-00 with VZ-7 TS 32 TsSh 2043-98 R65 1/18 for high-speed roads with an external contactor
Switch fastener 17558-00-00 with VZ-7 TS 32 TsSh 2043-98 R65 1/18 for high-speed roads with an external contactor
Switch fastener 17558-00-00 with VZ-7 TS 32 TsSh 2043-98 R65 1/18 for high-speed roads with an external contactor
Switch fastener 17558-00-00 with VZ-7 TS 32 TsSh 2043-98 R65 1/18 for high-speed roads with an external contactor
Switch fastener 17558-00-00 with VZ-7 TS 32 TsSh 2043-98 R65 1/18 for high-speed roads with an external contactor
Switch fastener 17558-00-00 with VZ-7 TS 32 TsSh 2043-98 R65 1/18 for high-speed roads with an external contactor
Switch fastener 17558-00-00 with VZ-7 TS 32 TsSh 2043-98 R65 1/18 for high-speed roads with an external contactor
Switch fastener 17558-00-00 with VZ-7 TS 32 TsSh 2043-98 R65 1/18 for high-speed roads with an external contactor

Switch fastener 17558-00-00 with VZ-7 TS 32 TsSh 2043-98 R65 1/18 for high-speed roads with an external contactor

Scope of delivery of electric drive switch fastener 17558-00-00 with VZ-7 TS 32 TsSh 2043-98 (has a valid certificate)
Make request



Dimensions for transportation (LxWxH)

330х30х30 cm


max. 180 kg

Turnout force

max. 6000 N

Service life

min 320x106 tons of transported cargo

Drawing No.



TS 32 ЦШ 2043-98

Scope of delivery of switch fastener 17558-00-00 with VZ-7 TS 32 TsSh 2043-98:

  • Parts kit 17558-00-00
  • VZ-7 external vertical contactor for high-speed highway 17622-00-00
  • Tie rod 17523-02-00
  • Coupling 17490-10-00
  • Control tie rod 17558-09-00 long
  • Control tie rod 17558-10-00 short
  • Operating tie rod 17558-11-00;
  • Casing 17558-12-00
  • Drive angle plate 13635-01-00
  • Foundation angle plate 16737-04-00
  • Foundation angle plate 16737-05-00

Alfa-ZHAT company has a dealer agreement with the manufacturer and offers for sale sets of switch fasteners at low prices.

We deliver throughout Russia and CIS countries.