ИНН 5260345493, КПП 526001001, ОГРН 1125260017453
р/сч 40702810529090000984 в филиале «Нижегородский»
АО «Альфа-Банк» БИК 042202824 к/сч 30101810200000000824
603000, г. Н. Новгород,
ул. Студеная, д 55,
этаж 1, комната 3
т: 8 (831) 223-98-94, 8 (831) 223-98-95
e: info@alfazhat.ru
2-units LED ground light signal 17839-00-00
2-units LED ground light signal 17839-00-00
2-units LED ground light signal 17839-00-00
2-units LED ground light signal 17839-00-00
Drawing No. | 17839-00-00

2-units LED ground light signal 17839-00-00

2-units LED ground light signal with light-optical complexes NKMR 676636.056 TU and vandalism guard. Drawing № 17839-00-00, SKMTR Code 3185642081.
Make request
Volts alternating current 10,5-12 V
Power rating  of 1 light-optical complex 15 W
Error-free running time by an average, less than or equal to 50000 h
Working time of a LED complex, min 15 years
Luminous intensity оf optical axis  
green 1250 cd
lunar-white 1800 cd
red 1000 cd
yellow 2000 cd
blue 150 cd
Quantity of LED complexes 2
SSS weight, less than or equal to 4,5 kg
SKMTR code 3185642081
Drawing № 17839-00-00
2-units ground light signal 17839-00-00 TU 32 TU32 СSHCH 2141-2009 with LED light-optical complexes NKMR 676636.056 TU is designed and suitable for operation of trains and shunting operations.

LED ground light signal is mainly used on railroad stations as shunt-, route-indicating-, entrance signal (main-line track excluded) and other signal types.

Predominant features of ground light signal 17839-00-00 compared to multi-lens signal:

  • performance reliability of LED complexes is 25 times higher

  • long-lasting performance; 2 times longer working time

  • operating and support costs are 10-15 times less

  • anti-vandal functionality 

Scope of supply:

  • ground light signal`s LED light unit – 1 piece. Composing body made of silumin with light-optical complexes and sunshields.

  • head and chest set – 1 set

  • metal sole of  ground light signal – 1 piece. Mode 1. Overcoat – high-temperature zinc

  • mounting wrench – 1 piece

  • advice note – 1 piece per a  parcel of equipment

  • installation`s instruction – 1 piece

  • outfit installation`s label – 1 piece

Distinctive features of ground light signal 17839-00-00:

  • silumin enclosed

  • galvanized suite, cupholders for fastening the light unit and design features

  • transformer`s format ST-4 (ST-4G) and connecting pieces UMP are not included in packing list (or shielding units TYA, PYA)
