ИНН 5260345493, КПП 526001001, ОГРН 1125260017453
р/сч 40702810529090000984 в филиале «Нижегородский»
АО «Альфа-Банк» БИК 042202824 к/сч 30101810200000000824
603000, г. Н. Новгород,
ул. Студеная, д 55,
этаж 1, комната 3
т: 8 (831) 211-75-17, 8 (831) 211-75-18
e: info@alfazhat.ru
High colour light signal with LED light unit Metro
NKMR | 676761.001÷007

High colour light signal with LED light unit Metro

High colour light signal with LED light unit «Metro» and up-to-date light-optical systems NKMR.676636.072 ТU. Every color watt consumption does not exceed 15W.

Make request
Supply voltage 12 V
Watt consumption max 15 W (for every color)
Quarantee service life 36 month from introduction into service day
(by max 12 month storage from the manufacturing day )

Noting down at the time of order

Drawing №

Name title


High colour light signal NKMR.676761.001 with single-unit
light unit «Metro» and a shielding unit


High colour light signal NKMR.676761.002 with two-units light unit
«Metro» and a shielding unit


High colour light signal NKMR.676761.005 with two-units light unit «Metro»,
a shielding unit and route indicator mounting cupholder


High colour light signal NKMR.676761.003 with three-units light unit
«Metro» and a shielding unit


High colour light signal NKMR.676761.006 with three-units light unit «Metro»,
calling-on signal, shielding unit and route indicator mounting cupholder


High colour light signal NKMR.676761.004 with four-units light unit
«Metro», calling-on signal, shielding unit


High colour light signal NKMR.676761.07 with four-units light unit «Metro»,
calling-on signal, shielding unit and route indicator mounting cupholder

High colour light signal with LED light unit «Metro» equipped with LED systems SSSМ NKMR.676636.072 ТU is meant for alarm application for safe running control, railroad train ordered motion, shunting operations in regions with temperate- and frigid climate (UHL) placement category I as per GOST Standard 15150-69.

Advantages in comparison to KLM (KLMN) sets with electric incandescent lamps:

  • 25 times more reliable
  • 2 times longer service life of LEDs

  • generality -powered by AC current as well as DC current

  • 10-15 times lower maintenance costs

  • may be installed into any ground signal light unit

  • operating temperature range from -60ºС to +55ºС (UHL1)

  • usage modes: daytime, night mode, flickering

  • warranty – 3 years

  • is in operation – 15 years

  • vibration resistant and vandal-resistant

Сontents of delivery of high colour light signal NKMR.676761.002 with two-units light unit «Metro» and a shielding unit:

  • mast «Metro» type ; coating layer - hot zinc

  • culvert (for power supply cable pulling)

  • shielding unit; coating layer - hot zinc

  • two-units hooded light unit «Metro» (SSSK) NKMR.676761.002 TU with a warning shield (cast aluminium enclosed)

  • step ladder; coating layer - hot zinc

  • service space; coating layer - hot zinc

*Please precise light unit signal colour at the time of order.

LLC «Alfa-Zhat» offers to buy high colour light signals by the lowest cost!

We provide the delivery of equipment around the Country and to the CIS region!