ИНН 5260345493, КПП 526001001, ОГРН 1125260017453
р/сч 40702810529090000984 в филиале «Нижегородский»
АО «Альфа-Банк» БИК 042202824 к/сч 30101810200000000824
603000, г. Н. Новгород,
ул. Студеная, д 55,
этаж 1, комната 3
т: 8 (831) 223-98-94, 8 (831) 223-98-95
e: info@alfazhat.ru
LED system MT1b NKMR.676636.110-03 lunar white (diameter 160 mm) with universal power supply
LED system MT1b NKMR.676636.110-03 lunar white (diameter 160 mm) with universal power supply
LED system MT1b NKMR.676636.110-03 lunar white (diameter 160 mm) with universal power supply
LED system MT1b NKMR.676636.110-03 lunar white (diameter 160 mm) with universal power supply

LED system MT1b NKMR.676636.110-03 lunar white (diameter 160 mm) with universal power supply

Lunar white LED system МТ1 of tunnel type for underground MT1b NKMR.676636.110-03 with universal power supply: alternating current 24-32 V / direct current 100 mA, with OMSH2-46, 2OL-15 relay connected in series. The diameter of the light signal system is 160 mm.
Make request

Power supply

by AC source
by frequency 50 Hz in the voltage range
from 27 to 45 V
through the relay winding 2OL-15
or its equivalents
(OMSH2-46, OMSH2-40, OL2-88),
included in the secondary winding
of the transformer

Current consumption in the operating mode

from 70 mA to 120 mA (100 mA)

Voltage at the LED system input in operating mode

9.0 to 12.5 V

Special aspects for turning on

The lighting of the LEDs and
the pulling of the relay armature
are carried out simultaneously
with the supply voltage at the LED input
from 23 to 25 V

Special aspects for turning off

The decay of the LEDs and
the dropping of the relay armature
are carried out simultaneously
with the supply voltage at the LED input min 8.5 V

The diameter of the output light hole (aperture)

160 mm

Light intensity along the optical axis, min

100 cd

Average time to failure, min

50 000 h

Working capacity at temperatures

- 5°C to + 35°С

Upper limit of relative air humidity
at t=25°С


Product weight, max

1 kg

Drawing No.



Tunnel light signal LED system for metro MT1b
NKMR.676636.110-03 lunar white

1 pc.

Mounting kit and flange NKMR.725113.003

1 pc.


1 pc.

Operating Instruction for the system

1 pc.

LED system MT1b NKMR.676636.110-03 lunar white with universal power supply for tunnel light signals used in subways.

Function: maintaining security and organizing the movement of trains.

The products are suitable for use as a replacement for lens sets of light signals based on incandescent lamps.

LED MT1 system is equipped with an adapter ring for installation in the aluminum stacked housing of the METRO light unit.

Advantages of Metro LED tunnel light signals over the lamp light signals:

  • The service life of the system is increased by 25 times
  • Catastrophic failures are completely excluded: instead of a single lamp, the systems use 9 mutually independent LED elements
  • False signals of light signal systems are completely excluded
  • Diffuser glasses are highly impact resistant

Alfa-ZHAT company provides the most favorable prices for LED tunnel light signal systems MT1b for the metro.