ИНН 5260345493, КПП 526001001, ОГРН 1125260017453
р/сч 40702810529090000984 в филиале «Нижегородский»
АО «Альфа-Банк» БИК 042202824 к/сч 30101810200000000824
603000, г. Н. Новгород,
ул. Студеная, д 55,
этаж 1, комната 3
т: 8 (831) 223-98-94, 8 (831) 223-98-95
e: info@alfazhat.ru
SP3-1 17258-00-00 Street warning light signal with AA acoustic announcer for railway crossings for climatic category UHL1
SP3-1 17258-00-00 Street warning light signal with AA acoustic announcer for railway crossings for climatic category UHL1
SP3-1 17258-00-00 Street warning light signal with AA acoustic announcer for railway crossings for climatic category UHL1
SP3-1 17258-00-00 Street warning light signal with AA acoustic announcer for railway crossings for climatic category UHL1
Drawing No. | 17258-00-00-04

SP3-1 17258-00-00 Street warning light signal with AA acoustic announcer for railway crossings for climatic category UHL1

SP3-1 three-phase street warning light signal for climatic category UHL1 with an acoustic announcer AA 17258-00-00 TS 32 TsSh 2029-95, for single-track sections.
Make request

Capacity of LED system

max 25 W

Capacity of acoustic announcers

max 9 W

Power of LED system

11.5 V

Power of acoustic announcer

10-28 V

LOS mean time between failures

min 50 000 hours 

Light intensity along the optical axis, red

min 200 cd

Light intensity along the optical axis, lunar white

min 260 cd

Operating temperature

- 60°C to + 55°С

Relative air humidity


Weight (net / gross)

max. 91 / 109 kg 

Dimensions of the light signal system (LxHxW)

80х50х66 cm

Dimensions of the announcer (LxHxW)

80х50х66 cm

Dimensions of the road sign (LxHxW)

80х50х66 cm

Dimensions of post (LxWxH)

206х26х26 cm

INC (inventory network classifier)


Drawing No.



Red LED system

2 pcs.

Lunar white LED system

1 pc.

Acoustic announcer (AA)

1 pc.

Sign of single-line railway 1.3.1 (driving regulations)

1 pc.

Light signal post with platform bracket

1 pc.

Fasteners for direction signs

1 pc.

Installation drawing NKMR.676658.031 MCh

1 pc.

Operation manual NKMR.676658.031-02 RE

1 pc.

Label NKMR.676658.031-03 ET

1 pc.

SP3-1 Street warning light signal (three-phase) for climatic category UHL1 117258-00-00 TS 32 TsSh 2029-95 with AA acoustic announcer for railway crossings.

Function: warning of pedestrians and vehicles about the train coming to a railroad crossing using sound and light signals (red, lunar white).

SP3-1 light signal is designed for single-track sections.

Advantages of LED street warning light signal compared to lamp ones:

  • 25 times longer service life.
  • Catastrophic failures are completely avoided: instead of a single lamp, dozens of mutually independent LED arrays are used.
  • False indications of light signals caused by the reflection of spotlights or sunlight are completely eliminated.
  • High corrosion resistance, the light signal post is fully galvanized.
  • High vandal resistance, glass diffusers are impact resistant.

The equipment is suitable for operation in moderate and cold climates (UHL) at air temperature from -60°C to + 55°C, maximum air humidity at 25±10°C - 93±3%.

Alfa-Zhat company offers the most favorable prices for SP3-1 street warning light signal.

Delivery across all territory of the Russian Federation and the CIS countries.
