ИНН 5260345493, КПП 526001001, ОГРН 1125260017453
р/сч 40702810529090000984 в филиале «Нижегородский»
АО «Альфа-Банк» БИК 042202824 к/сч 30101810200000000824
603000, г. Н. Новгород,
ул. Студеная, д 55,
этаж 1, комната 3
т: 8 (831) 211-75-17, 8 (831) 211-75-18
e: info@alfazhat.ru
Railway sign «Stop signal»
Drawing No. | none

Railway sign «Stop signal»

Provides safe movement on railway tracks.
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Dimensions (HxW)

300x600 cm


1,85 kg

Warranty period

2 years

The railway sign «Stop signal» is used for double-track sections to protect the places of track work requiring the stop of trains and is installed in accordance with clause 8.5 (PTE), para. 3.4, 3.5, 3.10 (Signal Instructions) and para. 4.3, 4.4 (Instructions for ensuring the safety of train traffic during the production of track works of the TsP No. 485). «Stop signal» demands «Stop!» It is forbidden to pass the signal.
It is allowed to paint part of the shields on one side with red and the reverse side with white.

The shield is mounted on a wooden stick with a diameter of 60 mm and a length of 2000 - 3000 mm, painted with transverse stripes 200 mm wide alternately in red and white, has a tip for fixing in the ground, made of steel 1 - 2 mm thick and painted black.
To designate the «Stop signal» can be used: during the day a red flag on a stick is used, at night a lamp on a stick with a red light is used.

Alfa-ZhAT provides a low price for the «Stop signal» railway sign.

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