ИНН 5260345493, КПП 526001001, ОГРН 1125260017453
р/сч 40702810529090000984 в филиале «Нижегородский»
АО «Альфа-Банк» БИК 042202824 к/сч 30101810200000000824
603000, г. Н. Новгород,
ул. Студеная, д 55,
этаж 1, комната 3
т: 8 (831) 211-75-17, 8 (831) 211-75-18
e: info@alfazhat.ru
Drawing No. | none

Cribwork impedance bond with secondary winding DTSH-1-300 and 2 DTSH -1-300

Low-maintenance cribwork impedance bond with secondary winding DTSH-1-300 and 2 DTSH -1-300 with antitamper protection equipment.

Make request
operational conditions UHL category 1 as per GOST Standard 15150
environment, physical impact and climate effect MS4, MS5 и К4 as per Application standard 32.146
alternating-current passing through inducing winding unit 300 А
wrapping group center tap current intensity 600 А
average time between failures, min 40х106 t cargo gross load
specified run of trafo
(warranty under keeping of service rules), min
350х106 t cargo gross load
service life, by an average 25 years

Low-maintenance cribwork impedance bond with secondary winding DTSH-1-300 and 2 DTSH -1-300 are generally intended  for separation and passing the continuous traction current through inducing winding unit and for code pulse blocking  current flow inductive reactance generating.

DTSH-1-300 and 2 DTSH -1-300 are installed into gauge track between cross-ties into permanent way.

The advantages of the equipment:

  • flexibility in application

  • atomic and rapid access to functional assembly for its maintenance operation

  • crowbar switch condition- and conduct of checking operations visual estimate ease

  • unprepared mechanized tamping in jumper connections of different railing types (R50 и R65)with the use of tow-to-yarn machines  is possible

  • cover plate and Device Package are made of high strength iron, it protects the device against chance shocks and illegal access

  • the equipment is protected against unauthorized opening - custom device makes it impossible to unclose the cover without the use of special service key

We deliver the equipment around the country and the CIS region!
