ИНН 5260345493, КПП 526001001, ОГРН 1125260017453
р/сч 40702810529090000984 в филиале «Нижегородский»
АО «Альфа-Банк» БИК 042202824 к/сч 30101810200000000824
603000, г. Н. Новгород,
ул. Студеная, д 55,
этаж 1, комната 3
т: 8 (831) 223-98-94, 8 (831) 223-98-95
e: info@alfazhat.ru
Re-railing all-purpose «Toggle» shoes, titanium welded 495TS
Re-railing all-purpose «Toggle» shoes, titanium welded 495TS
Re-railing all-purpose «Toggle» shoes, titanium welded 495TS
Re-railing all-purpose «Toggle» shoes, titanium welded 495TS
Drawing No. | none

Re-railing all-purpose «Toggle» shoes, titanium welded 495TS

It is used to roll derailed rolling stock onto the rails.
Make request


titanium grade VT1-0

Dimensions (LxWxH)

260x1000х750 mm

Weight of shoe

68 kg

Weight of wedge

4 kg

Weight of insert

4 kg

Weight of set

152 kg


Re-railing shoe left

1 pc.

Re-railing shoe right

1 pc.

Choke right

1 pc.

Choke left

1 pc.

Wedged insert

2 pcs.


All-purpose re-railing shoe, «Toggle», welded titanium, project 495TS is used for rolling derailed rolling stock onto the rails.


The set of shoes is made from titanium sheet VT1-0 by welding in shielding gases.

Way of fastening on the track

The re-railing shoe is firmly fixed on the track and is protected from theft by means of a wedge. To prevent the shoe from about-turning when the wheel comes off it onto the rail, a wedge insert is used, which is inserted into the rail fishing contour under the head from the side of the wide plane of the shoe and is driven in between the web of the rail and the lower longitudinal rib of the shoe.


It is used on rails of types R43, R50, R65, R75, on tracks with wooden or reinforced concrete sleepers. Space saving dimensions of the shoes in most cases allow them to be installed in constrained conditions under the derailed rolling stock. It is not required to nail the shoe to the sleepers. It is not required to remove the road metal from the rail base (especially important in winter). Dismantling after lifting takes a little time. The shoes are low weight. To carry them from one place to another, 2 people are enough. To facilitate the loading and unloading of the shoes into the vehicle and carrying the shoes to the place of their use, handles are provided. The shoe have fastenings for the wedge and wedge insert so that they do not get lost during storage and transportation. The geometry of the structure ensures even distribution of the load on the support points of the shoe, which prevents it from tipping over.


The shoes have additional internal guides (the technical solution is protected by a patent), which:

  • have a limiting and additional guiding effect on the wheel flanges in order to facilitate the turning of the rolled bogie and reduce the likelihood of the wheelset re-descent when leaving the shoes on the track;
  • raise the wheel flanges moving along the wide wings of the shoes above the planes of the wide wings and greatly facilitate the displacement of the rolled wheelset in the transverse direction.

Warranty and service life

The shoe is designed for the doubled load from the wheel of a locomotive or a loaded wagon (30 tons). Manufacturer's warranty - 2 years from the date of sale. During the warranty period, the manufacturer provides free repair of products. The service life of a set of shoes is min 10 years.

Alfa-ZhAT company guarantees the lowest price for the re-railing all-purpose shoe «Toggle» titanium welded 495TS.

Delivery to any region of Russia and the CIS!
