ИНН 5260345493, КПП 526001001, ОГРН 1125260017453
р/сч 40702810529090000984 в филиале «Нижегородский»
АО «Альфа-Банк» БИК 042202824 к/сч 30101810200000000824
603000, г. Н. Новгород,
ул. Студеная, д 55,
этаж 1, комната 3
т: 8 (831) 223-98-94, 8 (831) 223-98-95
e: info@alfazhat.ru
Shoe re-railing narrow-gauge type «Toggle» 100 USS welded steel
Shoe re-railing narrow-gauge type «Toggle» 100 USS welded steel
Shoe re-railing narrow-gauge type «Toggle» 100 USS welded steel
Shoe re-railing narrow-gauge type «Toggle» 100 USS welded steel
Drawing No. | none

Shoe re-railing narrow-gauge type «Toggle» 100 USS welded steel

It is used to roll derailed rolling stock onto the rails.
Make request


Steel grade 10HSND 

Dimensions of shoe (LxWxH)

195x1000х640 mm

Weight of shoe

65 kg

Weight of wedge

4 kg

Weight of set

138 kg


Re-railing shoe left

1 pc.

Re-railing shoe right

1 pc.


2 pcs.

Narrow-gauge re-railing shoe «Toggle», 100 USS, welded steel, is used for rolling narrow gauge rolling stock onto the track. For mines, peat and logging areas, treating plants, and other places where narrow gauge railways are used.


The set of shoes is made from steel sheet 10HSND by welding in shielding gases.

Way of fastening on the track

The re-railing shoe is firmly fixed on the track and is protected from theft by means of a wedge.


The re-railing shoe is firmly fixed on the track with the help of wedges. For additional protection against theft, hooks for the sleeper are provided in the design. The geometry of the structure ensures even distribution of the load on the support points of the shoe, which prevents it from tipping over. The shoe withstands the load from the wheel of the traction unit or the loaded trolley.


It is used on rails of types P50, P33, P24 with any gauge.


The manufacturer's warranty obligations are 2 years from the date of sale, but not less than 12 months from the date of commissioning. During the warranty period, the manufacturer provides free repair of products. The service life of a set of shoes is min 10 years.

Alfa-ZhAT company guarantees the lowest price for the re-railing narrow-gauge shoe «Toggle» steel welded 100USS.

Delivery to any region of Russia and the CIS!