ИНН 5260345493, КПП 526001001, ОГРН 1125260017453
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603000, г. Н. Новгород,
ул. Студеная, д 55,
этаж 1, комната 3
т: 8 (831) 223-98-94, 8 (831) 223-98-95
e: info@alfazhat.ru
IPS-01 Meter

IPS-01 Meter

All-purpose transient resistance meter for track circuit elements IPS-01 TS 4381-011-50893629-2006
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Transition resistance measurement ranges

from 25 to 500 μΩ
From 0.5 to 10 mOhm

Measurement ranges of asymmetry current
by IPS-01/1 instrument

from 0 to 120 A

Measurement ranges of asymmetry current
by IPS-01/2 instrument

from 0 to 20 A

Measurement ranges of asymmetry current coefficient
by IPS-01/1 instrument

from 0 to 10 %

Measurement ranges of asymmetry current coefficient
by IPS-01/2 instrument

from 0 to 5 %

Device error when measuring the contact resistance Rm


Device error when measuring asymmetry currents

± 5%

Device error when measuring asymmetry
currents coefficient

± 0.5%

Operating temperature range

-40°С to +50°С

Permissible value of traction current when
measuring with DC traction

1000 А

Permissible value of traction current when
measuring with AC traction

300 А

The number of measurements of transient resistance
between battery charges at a temperature of plus 20 °C

min 500

The number of measurements of transient resistance
between battery charges at a temperature of minus 20 °C

min. 200

The number of measurements of transient resistance
between battery charges at a temperature of minus 40 °C

min. 50

Measuring unit dimensions (LxWxH)

355х181х91 mm

Current clamp dimensions (LxWxH)

210х71х28 mm

Weight of measuring unit

3.5 kg

Weight of current clamp

0.5 kg

Liquid crystal display capacity

2х16 characters

Meters IPS-01 are designed to measure the transient resistance of rail joints and connection elements of power electrical contacts (connection elements for choke-transformers and chokes), traction current asymmetry (current and asymmetry coefficient).

The devices have versions IPS-01/1 and IPS-01/2, which differ in the scope of application:

  • the device in version IPS-01/1 is intended for operation on sections of the railway with autonomous and electric DC traction
  • the device in version IPS-01/2 is intended for operation on sections of the railway with autonomous and electric traction of alternating current
  • the device in version IPS-01/1 is recommended to be used at manufacturing plants to control the transient resistance of throttle jumpers

The devices allow to measure the following contact resistances:

  • rail joint
  • rail - choke cables plug
  • plug - choke cables wiring
  • rail - choke cables wiring
  • bus - output of the choke winding
  • bus - choke cables wiring
  • output of the choke winding - choke cables wiring
  • inter-choke cable - suction power cable

The equipment can also be used to measure the transient resistance of other power contact connections with design and electrical parameters that allow its use.

Power supply of IPS-01 from a built-in battery, irrelative to the position of the device during measurements and transportation.
Switching of measurement modes (transitional resistance, current and asymmetry factor) depending on the connection scheme is performed automatically.

Depending on the measurement mode, the indicator screen displays the measurement result and a message about the measurement mode. When measuring the current and the asymmetry coefficient, a message is simultaneously displayed on the indicator screen, allowing you to determine the rail line with a lower value of the traction current, and also, for the convenience of the signaling electrician, the value of the traction current is displayed.

The device monitors emergency situations that occur when the conditions for performing measurements are violated, including due to incorrect actions of an electrician, and issues appropriate messages.

The devices have passed comprehensive operational and certification tests and are included in the Register of Measuring Instruments of Russian Railways.

An example of recording a device designation (for example, in version IPS-01/1) when ordering it: All-purpose transient resistance meter for track circuit elements IPS-01/1 TS 4381-011-50893629-2006

Alfa-ZhAT guarantees the lowest price for IPS-01.