ИНН 5260345493, КПП 526001001, ОГРН 1125260017453
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603000, г. Н. Новгород,
ул. Студеная, д 55,
этаж 1, комната 3
т: 8 (831) 223-98-94, 8 (831) 223-98-95
e: info@alfazhat.ru
Rail joint resistance meter ISRS-01

Rail joint resistance meter ISRS-01

ISRS-01 rail joint resistance meter for use on track sections with independent and electric traction of direct and alternating current.
Make request

Measuring ranges

from 50 to 500 μΩ
from 500 to 5000 μΩ

Measurement error on ranges


Operating temperature range

-40°С to +50°С.

The value of the traction current through the joint
when using ISRS-01 device direct current

Max 1500 A

The value of the traction current through the joint
when using ISRS-01 device direct current

Max 250 A

Powered by built-in rechargeable battery
with voltage

5,8 to 7 V

The number of measurements without recharging
the battery at a temperature of 20 °C

min 500

The number of measurements without recharging
the battery at a temperature of minus 20 °C

min. 200

Measurement time after power on

5 to 15 s

Measurement result display

triply-discharging, digital

Dimensions (LxWxH)

355х185х92 mm

Weight of device

max. 3,2 kg

ISRS-01 rail joint resistance meter for use on track sections with independent and electric traction of direct and alternating current.

ISRS-01 meter has passed comprehensive operational and certification tests, tests for compatibility with railway automation equipment and is included in the Register of Measuring Instruments of OAO Russian Railways.

Service functions:

  • indication of measurement ranges
  • battery discharge indication
  • indication of exceeding the indication range by the measurement result
  • indication of poor contact with the rail, indication of the absence of measurement conditions at the moment (traction current surges, etc.), the need to repeat the measurement

Alfa-Zhat guarantees the lowest price for measuring the resistance of rail joints ISRS-01.