30 January 2025

Panels, pagers, call buttons

Wireless Call Systems

Dear Partners! Alfa-ZHAT presents a new website section - Wireless Call Systems.

A wireless personnel call system is one of the essential elements of an accessible environment.

The wireless personnel call system was developed to meet the needs of persons with reduced mobility, parents with small children, elderly people, and to ensure prompt servicing of passengers and clients. This system greatly optimizes the operation of public, administrative, social, healthcare, educational and cultural institutions.

Call buttons are located directly at the entrance to rooms or buildings, in car compartments and toilets. This allows for calling personnel effortlessly and at any time.

The system consists of a call button and a receiver. The button transmits a user signal to a receiver that is held by the organization personnel. Repeaters are used for signal amplification.

The Wireless Call Systems section features a complete range of products required to implement the Accessible Environment format on railroad transport and in station buildings.

Best regards, Alfa-ZHAT

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